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How to find nearby COVID-19 vaccination centres using Google Maps

Navigation tool Google Maps can now be used by people to locate their nearest vaccination centres. The new feature lets users know where they can go to get themselves and/or their family members vaccinated as long as they are eligible. The feature also lists when the
centres are open or shut so that users do not waste a trip to the centre.

The tool is handy in the middle of a second COVID wave coming up in many regions including India. During a time like this, it is crucial that users stay indoors, and using Google Maps.

Step 1: Install Google Maps

Download and install the latest version of Google Maps from the Play Store if you’re on Android and the App Store if you’re on iOS. If you already have Google Maps, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Open up your city on the app

While keeping your location on may already open up your city/locality on Google Maps, you can manually do this by searching for your city on the top bar. For instance, search for ‘Mumbai’ to open up your city.

Google Maps, Google Maps vaccination centre, follow these simple steps to look for vaccination centres around you. (Express Photo)

Step 3: Search for ‘vaccination centres’

Once your city is opened up on the app, proceed by searching for ‘vaccination centres’ in the same search bar. This should open up a list of clinics and hospitals near you that are authorised to vaccinate people.

Step 4: Check the listings

Once the search results have shown up, you can click on each of them to check further details like timings, address and more. Check which is the best vaccination centre that suits your needs according to timing and convenience. Try not to pick a centre that’s too far away as the longer you are out of your home, the higher risk of infection you carry.

Note: If you live in a larger city, you can directly open up Google Maps and search for ‘vaccination centre in >your city name<’ to get faster results. However, for smaller regions, opening up your town or local area first and then searching for ‘vaccination centre’ should give you more accurate results.



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