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Avoid doing this while Booking tickets through IRCTC

If you are planning to book tickets through IRCTC website or railways app anytime soon, here's what you need to avoid doing.

Generally, while booking tickets, people prefer lower berth,
especially for women and senior citizen passengers. When you are booking the ticket, even if you select a berth of your own choice, there is no guarantee that the same berth will be allotted to you. If you opt for lower berths, your tickets won't be booked if there is no lower berth available. However, even if the ticket is not booked, the total amount will be deducted from your account. 

Though the IRCTC returns the debited amount to the account after a week in case the ticket is not booked. This is the reason why you should only select lower berth booking only of the passenger cannot travel without it. Also, check that there are at least 150 berths available because it will increase the chance of you getting the berth you booked. If only 50 or 60 berths available at the time of booking, avoid selecting the option. The IRCTC website allows users to search trains and check the availability of seats without logging in.

Since a lot of people are booking tickets at the same time, the availability of the berths changes every second on the online booking system. Therefore, there are more chances for someone who gets the early access to get the desired berth. If the money is not refunded after one week, someone can raise a request with the IRCTC citing their transaction number.


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